Pokémon Games by Satoshi Tajiri

Pokémon Red Version
Pokémon: Red Version

The original Pokémon game. Explore the Kanto region and defeat the Pokémon League. Choose from Charmander, Bulbasaur, or Squirtle as your starters. There will be exclusive Pokémon unavailable in the Blue edition.
On Cover: Charizard; Console: GameBoy

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Pokémon Blue Version
Pokémon: Blue Version

The original Pokémon game. Explore the Kanto region and defeat the Pokémon League. Choose from Charmander, Bulbasaur, or Squirtle as your starters. There will be exclusive Pokémon unavailable in the Red edition.
On Cover: Blastoise; Console: GameBoy

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Pokémon Yellow Version
Pokémon: Yellow Version

The Original Pokémon game remade a year later. You will again explore the Kanto Region and battle through the Indigo League. However, instead of choosing Charmander, Bulbasaur, or Squirtle, you will have Pikachu as your partner Pokémon.
On Cover: Pikachu; Console: GameBoy

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Pokémon Gold Version
Pokémon: Gold Version

Pick through starters Cyndaquil, Totodile, or Chikorita and make your way through the Johto region. Encounter many different Pokémon on your new adventure to the Pokémon League and find certain ones you would not be able to find in both the Silver and Crystal versions. Encounter Ho-Oh towards the end of your journey.
On Cover: Ho-Oh; Console: GameBoy Color

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Pokémon Silver Version
Pokémon: Silver Version

Pick through starters Cyndaquil, Totodile, or Chikorita and make your way through the Johto region. Encounter many different Pokémon on your new adventure to the Pokémon League and find certain ones you would not be able to find in both the Gold and Crystal versions. Encounter Lugia towards the end of your journey.
On Cover: Lugia; Console: GameBoy Color

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Pokémon Crystal Version
Pokémon: Crystal Version

Pick through starters Cyndaquil, Totodile, or Chikorita and make your way through the Johto region. Encounter many different Pokémon in a embellished story that gets you to the Pokémon League. Find certain Pokémon you would not be able to find in both the Gold and Silver versions. Encounter Suicune towards the end of your journey.
On Cover: Suicune; Console: GameBoy Color

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Pokémon Ruby Version
Pokémon: Ruby Version

Explore the new Hoenn region with your partner, a choice of Treecko, Mudkip, or Torchic. Make your way through the Pokémon League and find Legendary Pokémon such as Groudon and Latios. Battle against Team Magma to prevent them from accomplishing their sinister plans. Encounter Pokémon that you will not be able to find in the coexisting Sapphire and Emerald versions.
On Cover: Groudon; Console: GameBoy Advance

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Pokémon Sapphire Version
Pokémon: Sapphire Version

Explore the new Hoenn region with your partner, a choice of Treecko, Mudkip, or Torchic. Make your way through the Pokémon League and find Legendary Pokémon such as Kyogre and Latias. Battle against Team Aqua to prevent them from accomplishing their sinister plans. Encounter Pokémon that you will not be able to find in the coexisting Ruby and Emerald versions.
On Cover: Kyogre; Console: GameBoy Advance

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Pokémon Emerald Version
Pokémon: Emerald Version

Explore the new Hoenn region with your partner, a choice of Treecko, Mudkip, or Torchic. Make your way through the Pokémon League and find Legendary Pokémon such as Rayquaza and Latios. Battle against Team Aqua & Magma to prevent them from accomplishing their sinister plans. Encounter Pokémon that you will not be able to find in the coexisting Ruby and Sapphire versions.
On Cover: Rayquaza; Console: GameBoy Advance

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Pokémon FireRed Version
Pokémon: FireRed Version

A remastered Kanto adventure, starring the Pokémon League and your adventure to beat the elite four with your partner choice of Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur. Once you defeat Team Rocket and the Elite 4, check out the new Sevii Islands as well as new graphics up to speed with Ruby and Sapphire. Encounter Pokémon you would not find in the LeafGreen edition.
On Cover: Charizard; Console: GameBoy Advance

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Pokémon LeafGreen Version
Pokémon: LeafGreen Version

A remastered Kanto adventure, starring the Pokémon League and your adventure to beat the elite four with your partner choice of Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur. Once you defeat Team Rocket and the Elite 4, check out the new Sevii Islands as well as new graphics up to speed with Ruby and Sapphire. Encounter Pokémon you would not find in the FireRed edition.
On Cover: Venusaur; Console: GameBoy Advance

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Pokémon Diamond Version
Pokémon: Diamond Version

Travel through the Sinnoh region with plenty of new and exciting people and Pokémon to meet along your journey. Choose between partner Pokémon Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup. Make your way to the Elite 4 and defeat Cynthia to become the Champion. Defeat the evil Team Galactic before it is too late!
On Cover: Dialga; Console: Nintendo DS

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Pokémon Pearl Version
Pokémon: Pearl Version

Travel through the Sinnoh region with plenty of new and exciting people and Pokémon to meet along your journey. Choose between partner Pokémon Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup. Make your way to the Elite 4 and defeat Cynthia to become the Champion. Defeat the evil Team Galactic before it is too late!
On Cover: Palkia; Console: Nintendo DS

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Pokémon Platinum Version
Pokémon: Platinum Version

Travel through the Sinnoh region with plenty of new and exciting people and Pokémon to meet along your journey. Choose between partner Pokémon Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup. Make your way to the Elite 4 and defeat Cynthia to become the Champion. Defeat the evil Team Galactic before it is too late!
On Cover: Giratina; Console: Nintendo DS

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Pokémon Heart Gold Version
Pokémon: Heart Gold Version

Pick through starters Cyndaquil, Totodile, or Chikorita and make your way through the Johto region. Encounter many different Pokémon on your new adventure to the Pokémon League and find certain ones you would not be able to find in the Soul Silver version. Encounter Ho-Oh towards the end of your journey. Explore the Kanto region as well and encounter many new people and Pokémon along the way.
On Cover: Ho-Oh; Console: Nintendo DS

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Pokémon Soul Silver Version
Pokémon: Soul Silver Version

Pick through starters Cyndaquil, Totodile, or Chikorita and make your way through the Johto region. Encounter many different Pokémon on your new adventure to the Pokémon League and find certain ones you would not be able to find in the Heart Gold version. Encounter Lugia towards the end of your journey. Explore the Kanto region as well and encounter many new people and Pokémon along the way.
On Cover: Lugia; Console: Nintendo DS

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Pokémon Black Version
Pokémon: Black Version

Travel through the Unova region accompanied by many new faces and many new Pokémon that you will meet throughout your journey. Choose between partners Snivy, Tepig, or Oshawott and catch Reshiram towards the end of your journey. Defeat the evil Team Plasma and solidfy yourself as the Pokémon champion!
On Cover: Reshiram; Console: Nintendo DS

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Pokémon White Version
Pokémon: White Version

Travel through the Unova region accompanied by many new faces and many new Pokémon that you will meet throughout your journey. Choose between partners Snivy, Tepig, or Oshawott and catch Zekrom towards the end of your journey. Defeat the evil Team Plasma and solidfy yourself as the Pokémon champion!
On Cover: Zekrom; Console: Nintendo DS

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Pokémon Black 2 Version
Pokémon: Black 2 Version

On Cover: Black Kyurem; Console: Nintendo DS

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Pokémon White Version
Pokémon: White 2 Version

On Cover: White Kyurem; Console: Nintendo DS

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Pokémon X Version
Pokémon: X Version

On Cover: Xerneas; Console: Nintendo 3DS

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Pokémon Y Version
Pokémon: Y Version

On Cover: Yveltal; Console: Nintendo 3DS

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Pokémon Omega Ruby Version
Pokémon: Omega Ruby Version

On Cover: Primal Groudon; Console: Nintendo 3DS

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Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Version
Pokémon: Alpha Sapphire Version

On Cover: Primal Kyogre; Console: Nintendo 3DS

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Pokémon Sun Version
Pokémon: Sun Version

On Cover: Solgaleo; Console: Nintendo 3DS

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Pokémon Moon Version
Pokémon: Moon Version

On Cover: Lunala; Console: Nintendo 3DS

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Pokémon Ultra Sun Version
Pokémon: Ultra Sun Version

On Cover: Dusk Mane Necrozma; Console: Nintendo 3DS

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Pokémon Ultra Moon Version
Pokémon: Ultra Moon Version

On Cover: Dawn Wings Necrozma; Console: Nintendo 3DS

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Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu Version
Pokémon: Let's Go Pikachu Version

On Cover: Pikachu; Console: Nintendo Switch

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Pokémon Let's Go Eevee Version
Pokémon: Let's Go Eevee Version

On Cover: Eevee; Console: Nintendo Switch

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Pokémon Sword Version
Pokémon: Sword Version

On Cover: Zacian; Console: Nintendo Switch

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Pokémon Shield Version
Pokémon: Shield Version

On Cover: Zamazenta; Console: Nintendo Switch

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Pokémon Brilliant Diamond Version
Pokémon: Brilliant Diamond Version

On Cover: Dialga; Console: Nintendo Switch

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Pokémon Shining Pearl Version
Pokémon: Shining Pearl Version

On Cover: Palkia; Console: Nintendo Switch

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Pokémon Legends: Arceus Version
Pokémon Legends: Arceus Version

On Cover: Arceus, Pikachu, Cyndaquil, Oshawott, Rowlet, Lucario, Rhyhorn, and Bidoof; Console: Nintendo Switch

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Pokémon Scarlet Version
Pokémon: Scarlet Version

On Cover: Koraidon; Console: Nintendo Switch

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Pokémon Violet Version
Pokémon: Violet Version

On Cover: Miraidon; Console: Nintendo Switch

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